Ошибки VK
VK Oauth: Security ErrorOnly group admins have access to group tokensGroup is not allowed to send messagesInvalid request: modifying contacts in a shared group is not allowedError 1 - Unknown error occuredError 5 - User authorization failed: invalid sessionError 10 - Internal server errorError 15 - Access denied: group messages are disabledError 15 Access denied: share post forbiddenError 15 - Access denied: no access to call this methodError 15 - Access denied: at first group admin should install app widget in groupError 15 - Access denied: no access to call this method. It cannot be called with current scopesError 27 - Group authorization failed: group revoke access for this tokenError 27 - Group authorization failed: group is bannedError 100 - One of the parameters specified was missing or invalid: message is empty or invalidError 100 - One of the parameters specified was missing or invalid: file is undefinedError 121 - Invalid hashError 129 - Invalid photoError 600 - Permission denied. You have no access to operations specified with given object(s)Error 901 - Cant send messages for users without permissionError 902 - Can't send messages to this user due to their privacy settingsError 912 - This is a chat bot feature, change this status in settingsError 914 - Message is too longError 936 - Contact not foundError 2000 - Servers number limit is reachedДругие ошибки